Bachelor in Social Work

General information


Head of the BSW program: Prof. Avishai Benish

My name is Avishai Benish and I deal with the connection between social work, law and social policy. I believe that workers and social workers are at the forefront of social action, and that the practice of exercising social rights is a key tool in fulfilling the vision of the professional of social work. For my research see here

For my playlist ahead of the school year listen here

My reception hours are on Tuesdays between 16:15 - 17:30 in room 515 (By appointment).

Before contacting me as the head of the graduate program, please contact me by email:


Coordinator of undergraduate studies: Ms. Yael Bar-David Hasson 

Tel. 02-5881780



In charge of academic status: Dr. Orna Shamer


Undergraduate program secretariat – tel. 02-5882202, 02-5882190, room 310

Office hours for students: Sunday-Thursday, 09:00-15:00


Aim of the BSW program

The aim of the program is to give the students the knowledge that will enable them to plan and execute purposeful and methodical intervention, and to exercise a system of considerations in making professional decisions to improve people's welfare, through:

  1. Developing awareness and understanding of the individual, his/her psychosocial development and place in society, and society’s roles and commitments towards the individual. Imparting the system of values within which the profession of social work operates and which forms the basis and guidance for setting service goals and deciding on directions of intervention.
  2. Familiarity with and understanding of social and economic processes that affect individuals in society in general, and in the State of Israel in particular, as well as understanding basic concepts in the social and behavioral sciences relevant to individual and social behavior, from which professional knowledge in social work derives.
  3. Understanding the heterogeneity and unique needs of various groups in society.
  4. Familiarity with the welfare services system, including special services for specific social groups.
  5. Knowledge and skill in choosing and operating various methods of intervention, intended to ameliorate and/or prevent unwanted behaviors and situations among individuals, families, groups and the community.
  6. The ability to choose, operate and evaluate professional knowledge according to scientific-research considerations.
  7. Understanding of processes of deriving general professional knowledge and conducting research, as well as skill in using these processes to monitor and evaluate services and professional interventions.
  8. Imparting professional responsibility, based on criteria of effectiveness and efficiency.
  9. Imparting awareness of the need for continuing evaluation and updating of the professional knowledge and skills of the social worker, in light of society’s needs and those of his/her clients, and in light of developments in professional knowledge.





Order of study and transition conditions for graduate studies in social work

Details on the transition conditions from first year to second year, the conditions for transition from second year to third year, the division of studies, exams, assignments and grades, counseling during the school year and more.


Transition conditions

General Conditions:

A student studying his/her undergraduate studies in social work, whose conduct is appropriate to the rules of professional conduct required of anyone intending to become a social worker (see the Code of Professional Ethics of the Social Worker in Israel of the Association for the Advancement of Social Work in Israel), is expected to be brought before a university disciplinary committee.


Conditions for transition from first year to second year:

1. In order to pass to the second year, the student must obtain a "passing" grade of at least 60% in each of the first-year courses and an average of at least 70. In addition, a transition threshold of 70 (or "exemption") is required in English, and for foreign students a transition threshold of 75 in preparatory studies in Hebrew at level 6 (or approval of an "exemption").

2. A student who fails and / or does not take the exam in at least one course in the first year (provided that the total scope does not exceed 6 credits) may move to the second year (with the approval of the Adult Student Advisor) if he has achieved a weighted average of at least 70 in all courses including the courses he failed. 

In the second year, he will have to complete first-year courses in which he failed, or did not take exams or did not complete all the course assignments.

3. A student who fails and / or does not take the exams in three courses and / or does not achieve the required average in first year studies, is not entitled to pass to second year. A student who fails four or more courses, his studies at the school will be discontinued.

4. A student who has not met the transition conditions is entitled to repeat all or part of the first year in an attempt to meet the transition conditions again. If he repeats less than 12 hours, he will be able to apply to study a number of courses from the second year up to a quota of 12 hours (including a repetition of Hebrew and / or English).

5. A student who repeats his studies in the first year and in the second attempt failed to correct his achievements and meet the conditions for the transition to the second year, his studies at the school will be discontinued.

6. A student who has received prior approval to split his studies, will be required to obtain a total average of 70 in all first year studies (who studied in his first and second year) in order to be allowed to continue studying. If he also studied second year courses in his second year, the grades of these courses can be included in the calculation of the average if they improve the student's average.


Conditions for transition from second year to third year:

Third-year studies depends on the completion of all first-year studies and compulsory second-year studies, as well as study courses and vocational training.
The school may exercise discretion and allow a student who has met these requirements to study a limited number of third-year courses while completing the duties in which he failed in sophomore year.

Prerequisites: Passing grades in early year classes A condition for participation in advanced year classes. The detail in the list of lessons.


Divided studies:

1. A student wishing to divide his / her academic year in the second or third year must obtain the approval of the Adult Student Advisor.

2. A student who divides first year studies must study the following courses in the first year of his studies: (*)

03102 - Introduction to Social Work A

03103 -Introduction to Social Work B

03130- Human Development in Family A

03138-Human Development in the Second Family

03105-Sociology: Basic Concepts.

03106-Psychology: Basic Concepts.


English and / or Hebrew.

(*) This do not apply to the students of the joint program Law and Social Work, in which the first year split is done in a different way.

The procedure should be clarified with the Secretariat of the Faculty of Law.

A student who divides his studies is entitled to pay a partial tuition fee. For tuition calculation methods, see University Website> Students> Tuition Procedures


Exams, papers and grades:

See regulations on exams on the university website

See Regulations on Written Assignments: On the University website


Counseling during the school year

The school is staffed by a counselor, who is at the students' disposal so that they can benefit most from their studies.

Students with learning disabilities will contact the Secretary of Teaching and Students. Inquiries for adjustments in exams and assignments must be submitted to her with acceptable documents. To clarify referral procedures and request for relief, please contact the graduate secretariat.

In problems related to each student's personal curriculum, exemption from courses, obligation to take courses, etc., it is possible to contact the head of the teaching department and students.


Final grade and degree eligibility

See regulations on the subject on the university website
