Curriculum of academic courses

Academic courses in undergraduate studies in social work are divided among four knowledge-clusters:

  1. Personal and social processes: Courses dealing with description and/or analysis of social and behavioral units—individuals, small groups, community, society, organization—of various kinds.
  2. Welfare and social policy studies: Courses whose contents refer to the values, ideologies and approaches from which society’s desired situations regarding various social and behavioral units are derived, including the services whose aim is to provide solutions for the needs that are a result of gaps between the actual situation and the desired one. 
  3. Methods and means of interventions: Courses on theoretical approaches and practical skills whose aim is to enable the social worker to reach ability to evaluate and intervene in situations of distress on the part of individuals and families.
  4. Research studies: Courses on methods and approaches of deriving conclusions according to the criteria of the scientific method, including planning research, gathering data and data analysis. Research studies form the basis for conducting research within the framework of various welfare services, with the aim of evaluating the interventions and the efficiency and effectiveness of welfare services.

The academic curriculum comprises compulsory and elective courses.


Most lessons are common to both tracks, and a minority are unique to each one. In the lists of courses below, the courses unique to the Community Social Work track are marked by “CSW”.


Lists of courses according to years and knowledge-clusters:

Here is an Excel file containing all programs for the last four years. This provides a general overview of the requirements for undergraduate studies, according to the year one started studies, and one’s program.

Please note! This is a general tool only. For questions regarding how to build a specific study course, consult the School’s academic advisor, Dr. Anat Epstein, and the secretariat for undergraduate matters.

Within the file, choose the first year of studies and the program.

Click here to download the file with curricula (updated to 25 May 2017).