Our Mission & Vision


Our Mission

The Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare endeavors to further social justice and the personal and social wellbeing of individuals through path-breaking research, the training of leading professionals, and an active role in the social work profession and the development of social services and policies for individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities in Israel and across the globe.


Our Vision

To fulfill our mission, we will

  • Engage in path-breaking research that contributes to a better understanding of complex social issues and the ways to address them.  We will endeavor to undertake this research in partnership with students, social workers and other professionals, as well as with social service users.
  • Educate and train professionals in the fields of psychosocial treatment and social welfare who will be committed to the vision and values of the social work profession and will be actively involved in their studies, the social services, and in civil society.
  • Train professional leadership in the social services that will further social change and formulate social policy on the local, national and global levels.
  • Develop critical thinking, academic curiosity, creativity, cultural and sociopolitical sensitivity, and adaptability to changing environments in our students.
  •  Promote social justice through education, research and the civic and social engagement of the school community. In particular, the school seeks to consolidate the ties between the Hebrew University and social services and social workers in the field, and to strengthen our local community in Jerusalem.