Our Team



Prof. Dorit Roer-Strier
Dorit Roer-Strier is a professor at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welafare and the director of NEVET. She is a qualitative researcher and specializes in context informed research and practice in the area of families and children in diverse cultural contexts. She has clinical training and practical experience in the areas of child and family therapy.


Prof. Heidi Keller
HEIDI KELLER is a Professor emeritus of Psychology at the University of Osnabrück and a director of Nevet, the Greenhouse of Context-Informed Research and Training for Children in Need at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her interests concern the interrelationship between culture and biology for the understanding of human development. She has done extensive (longitudinal) research in diverse cultural contexts across the globe and taught at different universities in different countries. She received several awards, among them the award for career achievement from the German Society of Psychology in 2014. She is interested in the application of basic science for application in the counselling/clinical as well as educational fields, especially with respect to the implementation of culture sensitive approaches. She is currently also concentrating on the development of culture sensitive approaches to attachment and their implementation in practice.


Dr. Yochay Nadan
Dr. Yochay Nadan is a researcher and a Senior Lecturer at The Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He completed his master’s degree at Alice Salomon University in Berlin, and completed his doctoral studies at Haifa University. Yochay’s research and teachings focus on issues relating to multiculturalism in social work  in research, practice and in the training of professionals. Alongside his research, Yochay works in couples and family therapy.


Dr. Iris Zadok
Dr Iris Zadok is a social worker and an early childhood specialist. She is a lecturer and a researcher at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare at the Hebrew University. She is the head of the fieldwork division at the School of Social Work and is a lecturer in the Graduate Program in Early Childhood Studies. In addition to teaching several courses in that program that focus on families of young children and observing children in their educational frameworks, she is the practicum coordinator and supervises students in their fieldwork placements. In her clinical work, Dr. Zadok works with traumatized infants, children and their families. She is a graduate of the Child-Parent Psychotherapy Training Program (CPP) and the "Training the Trainee" program.

Dr. Carmit Katz
Dr. Carmit Katz completed her PhD in 2007 and joined Cambridge University for a three-year appointment as a research associate in Forensic and Applied Psychology. Dr. Katz joined the Bob Shapell School of Social Work in 2011 and is currently a senior lecturer. She is a Kemp-Haruv Fellow, part of an international group of leading scholars promoting future directions in the field of child maltreatment. The goal of Dr. Katz’ research is to enhance the participation of children and families within intervention processes, decision-making and legal processes by developing and evaluating strategies that enhance children and family participation in these processes. She develops protocols and consults for practitioners in disciplines such as welfare, education, health, law enforcement and law. Dr. Katz also develops techniques to enhance forensic investigations with preschoolers and children from various cultural backgrounds such as ultra-orthodox and Israeli Arab children. She leads the Strong Communities initiative in Israel, an international initiative for the prevention of child maltreatment. Dr. Katz is highly committed to policy practice and is the founder and leader of the interdisciplinary group "Justice for Preschoolers".

Dr. Naomi Shmuel
Dr. Naomi Shmuel is an author and anthropologist specializing in families in transition. Her research focusses on the process of continuance and change across generations amongst Ethiopian immigrant families in Israel. She is especially interested in parenting across cultures and the effects of cultural transition on families.Dr. Shmuel is the coordinator of Nevet’s special training program for professionals working in culturally diverse environments. Her original prize winning children’s books are widely used throughout Israel in schools and pre-school programs to foster cross-cultural understanding and tolerance. She uses her children’s books to initiate discussions on sensitive topics (such as immigration, refugees, identity and belonging) in her academic courses and professional workshops. Naomi is currently teaching two courses at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Multiculturalism and Identity in the Department of Dentistry and Context-Informed Therapy with Immigrants and Refugees in the Department of Social Work (a DEMO course).


Dr. Orna Shemer
Dr. Shemer is a faculty member at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Dr. Shemer teaching and research areas are related to collaborative and participation processes, community practice,  cultural competence practice , intentional communities, rural communities (such as Kibbutz) and poverty. Dr. Shemer is a community social worker and her fields of specialty include: Enhance processes of participation in organizations; Development processes in organizations and communities with special emphasize on the importance of knowledge-from-experience; Methodology of Learning From Successes; and Participatory action research (PAR).


Dr. Hanita Kosher 
Dr. Hanita Kosher is a researcher and a lecturer at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Hanita's research and teachings focus on issues relating to children's well-being, children's rights and child abuse and neglect. Between 2007 to 2015 she was the head of the education center of the National Council of the Child, which is the leading advocacy organization for children's rights in Israel. Today, Hanita works at the Haruv institute and at the Legal Aid Department for Children and Youth at the Ministry of Justice.



Dr. Dafna Tener
Dr. Tener is a faculty member at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She has studied child sexual abuse for the past ten years, has conducted numerous research projects focusing on survivors, families and professionals’ perceptions of sexual abuse, and has specialized in qualitative research methods as well as mixed research methods. She was a postdoctoral fellow at the Crimes Against Children Research Center supervised by Professor David Finkelhor, and is currently a research fellow at the Haruv institute, a training and research center in the field of child maltreatment and a member of NEVET.


Dr. Orna Shemer

Prof. Orya Tishbi
Prof. Orya Tishby is a clinical psychologist and researcher at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare and in the department of psychology, at the Hebrew University. She is also the director of the Freud Center for research in psychoanalysis. Orya completed her BA and MA at the Hebrew University. She earned a doctoral degree in clinical psychology from the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Rutgers University, New Jersey, and received the NJ best dissertation award. Orya's research focuses on change process in psychodynamic therapy (specifically short-term) and the therapeutic relationship. As a member of NEVET, she is part of a research team studying immigrant parents and their perceptions of child rearing and parent-child relationships. Orya also works as a therapist with adolescents, young adults and parents.

Prof. Nadera Shalhoub Kevorkian

Prof. Ruth Pat-Horenczyk
Ruth Pat-Horenczyk, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at the School of Social Work and Social Welfare at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is a clinical psychologist who received her Ph.D. from the Hebrew University and completed her post-doctoral training at the University of California in San Diego. Her current research topics focus on risk and protective factors for childhood PTSD, relational trauma, emotion regulation and posttraumatic growth. Ruth's current research project is on “Predicting effective adaptation to breast cancer to help women to BOUNCE back” with experts from the fields of oncology, computer modeling, psychology, and social medicine from Finland, Israel, Greece, Italy and Portugal.

Dr. Yael Dayan