Research Interests:
IT in Human Services. Computers as helping tools for elderly and disabled people.Online support and self help groups.
Research Projects:
Online Support Groups. Disabled and disadvantaged people are gradually exposed to the web. Searching for information and communication, has exposed them to forums and online support groups, whether professionally managed or not. Analysis of messages spread on health and social related forums explores the mutual nature of such groups.
Computers for disabled and the elderly. Computers offer many advantages to elderly people, many of whom have free time and are fully or partially restricted in movement. They may help them fill their increased free time creatively and overcome loneliness and boredom by communicating with others and making new hobbies possible. Simple computer technology may easily overcome old people's limitations due to physical restrictions: e.g. enlarged fonts or large screens for people with poor eyesight; use of the computer as a reminder machine for people with memory difficulties; E-mail allows physically restricted people to communicate with the outside world and use of the Internet can broaden their horizons.
E-Learning Using technology to enhance teaching and instruction in social work context. Utilization of technology for promoting Learning abilities of Disabled students.
Recent Publications:
Shor, R. & Birnbaum, M. (2012). Meeting Unmet Needs of Families of Persons with Mental Illness: Evaluation of Familiy Peer Support Helpline. Community Mental Health Journal. 48.