Gottlieb Daniel
E-mail: daniel.gottlieb52@gmail.com
Higher Education
Postdoctoral Studies (instead of) International Monetary Fund (2 years)
Economics, Hebrew University, Israel Ph.D.
Economics, London School of Economics, UK M.Sc.
Economics, University of Zuerich, Switzerland Lic. Oec. Publ. (B.A./M.A)
Awards and Excellence Scholarships (Within the Past Five Years)
Not applicable
Appointments at the Hebrew University
Associate Professor, Social Work, Hebrew University, Israel (2015 – present)
Senior Lecturer, Social Work, Hebrew University, Israel (2011 – 2015)
Economics, Ben-Gurion University, Israel (2003 - 2008)
Lecturer, Economics, Hebrew University, Israel (
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Additional Functions (Within the Past Five Years)
Deputy Director General for Research and Planning, National Insurance Institute (since 2008)
Senior Adviser to Governors of the Bank of Israel (from 1995 to 2008)
Head of NII committee for the Fund for Special Enterprises (קרן מפעלים מיוחדים, last 12 years)
Head of NII committee for the Fund for Social Research in Israel (מפעלים מיוחדים, last 12 years)
Head of NII committee for confidential data transfer between public bodies (last 12 years)
Head of NII committee on policy changes (2016-2018)
Research Grants (Within the Past Five Years)
Not applicable
List of Publication (Within the Past Five Years)
Books & Edited Books
Astor, R.A., & Benbenishty, R. (2019). Bullying, school violence, and climate in evolving contexts: Culture, organization and time. New York: Oxford University Press.
Chapters in Collections
Gottlieb D. and Netanela Barkali, Chapter 1 in the Annual Report, National Insurance Institute, 2015, Social Policy and Trends in the Development of Social Benefits, National Insurance Institute.
Gottlieb D., Chapter 1 in the Annual Report, National Insurance Institute, 2016, Universal Basic Income, Risk or Opportunity, National Insurance Institute, 3-66.
Gottlieb D., Chapter 1 in the Annual Report, National Insurance Institute, 2017, Social Security, Policy Proposals, National Insurance Institute, 3-76, available from the author.
Journal Articles
Gottlieb Daniel and Esther Toledano, 2015, Part-Time Employees and Extended Unemployment, 2000-2011, National Insurance Institute, Working papers, No. 120, July, 1-19.
Gottlieb Daniel, “Social Benefit Policy during the Corona Crisis, 2020, October, Society and Welfare, The Israeli Quarterly Journal of Social Work, forthcoming, 1-4.
Gottlieb Daniel, “Take Up of Social Rights in Israel, Empirical Evidence,” Social Security, October, 2020, forthcoming, 6-34.
Gottlieb Daniel, 2015, " The multidimensional adequacy of social insurance benefits and insurability," International Social Security Review, Vol. 68, 3/2015, 69-97.
Gottlieb Daniel, 2019, “Saving For Every Child Program: Implications for inequality, and policy alternatives,” National Insurance Institute, Working papers, No. 130, July, 1-26.
Gottlieb Daniel, ed., 2017, “Commission Report, Policy Proposals for the Enhancement of Social Security, Commission Report, National Insurance Institute, July, 1-16.
Gottlieb Daniel, Eytan Sheshinsky et al., 2017, “On the relationship between Longevity and Income, Israel Democracy Institute and National Insurance Institute, Research Report, December, 1-16.
Gottlieb Daniel, Eytan Sheshinsky et al., 2018, “Realization of Pension Savings after Retirement: Implications of the Association between Longevity and Income, Israel Democracy Institute and National Insurance Institute, Research Report, December, 1-26.
Gottlieb Daniel, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, et al., 2019, “Enrollment and participation in a universal child savings program: Evidence from the rollout of Israel's National Program”, Children and Youth Services Review, 225-238.
Gottlieb Daniel, Netanela Barkali et al., 2016, “Equivalence scales and Poverty Measurement in Israel, 1968-2013”, Working Papers, National Insurance Institute, 1-40.
Gottlieb Daniel, Simon Brimblecombe and Ian Orton, 2015, “Introduction: Proceedings of the ISSA 2014 International Research Conference”, International Social Security Review, Vol. 68, 3/2015, 1-13.