Academic Profile:
Ph.D. 1985, Hebrew University; Lect. 1986; Sen. Lect. 1990; Associate Prof. 1995; Prof. 2005.
Dean, School of Social Work and Social Welfare, 2003-2006.
Director, The center for the studies of philanthropy in Israel, 2006-2014.
Centreid - L. Jacque Menard Chair in Social Work for the study of Volunteer and Nonprofit Organizations.
Member, The executive committee of the Hebrew University. 2007-2010.
Member, Board of Directors, Association for Research on Non-profit Organizations and Voluntary Action - ARNOVA. (USA)- 2010-2014.
Member, Editorial Board, "Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly".
Member, Editorial Board, "Human Service Organizations: Management Leadership and Governance".
Member, Editorial Board, "Society and Welfare" (Hevra V'revacha)- 2003-2014.
Director, The Haruv Institute, founded by the Schusterman Foundation, 2008-2012.
Member, Advisory Board of the journal Nonprofit Management and Leadership.
Research Interests:
Strategic management and processes of adaptation of nonprofit human service organizations to changing environments, organizational behavior, executive behavior, organization- environment relationship, the growth of the private sector delivering social services. The relationships between structural properties and service effectiveness in voluntary-nonprofit organizations, the role of nonprofit organizations in the providing of social services, political roles of nonprofit human services, leadership and change in nonprofit human service organizations, philanthropy and philanthropists in Israel and in the Jewish world, the impact of philanthropists on the organizational and structural behavior of nonprofits organizations.
Intersectoral partnerships between nonprofits, the government and the business sector.
Intergenerational philanthropy.
Research Projects:
Relationships between Government and for-profit and nonprofit organizations delivering human and social services.
Relationships between nonprofit organizations providing personal and social services and the for- profit sector.
The political activity of nonprofit organizations delivering human and social services.
Leadership styles and leadership change in voluntary nonprofit organizations.
New patterns of philanthropy in Israel.
The impact of the Israeli philanthropy on the Israeli nonprofit organizations.
Elite Philanthropy in Israel.
The impact of funding sources on the ideology, goals and the functioning of nonprofit human service organizations.
Deinstitutionalization of services to children at risk.
Child abuse and neglect.
Lessons from the privatization of social services - implications to policy.
Advocacy roles of nonprofit human service organizations.
Advocacy Organizations, mission, goals, strategies and administrative procedures.
Giving in Israel – scope and mechanisms of contributions.
Intersectoral partnerships and collaboration –nonprofits,the government and the business sector.
The influence of funding sources on the strategic and structural behavior of nonprofit human service organizations.
Intergenerational leadership.
Recent Publications:
Borowski,A. & Schmid,H. (2000). Israel's long-term care insurance law after a decade of implementation. Journal of Aging and Social Policy,12(1), 49-71.
Schmid,H. & Borowski,A. (2000). Selected issues in the delivery of home care services to the elderly after a decade of implementing Israel's long-term care insurance law. Social Security, 57, 59-81 (Hebrew). Also published in Social Security (special English edition) (2004), 87-114.
Schmid, H. (2001). Evaluating the impact of legal change on nonprofit and for-profit organizations: The case of the Israeli long-term care insurance law. Public Management Review 3(2), 167-189. Also published in Hebrew, Social Security (2001), 60, 90-112.
Schmid,H. & Bar-Nir, D. (2001). The relationship between organizational properties and service effectiveness in residential boarding schools. Children and Youth Services Review 23(3), 243-271.
Schmid,H. (2001). The welfare services market. Meser La'inyan, 5, 8-11 (Hebrew).
Schmid,H. (2001). Nonprofit organizations and for-profit organizations providing home care services to the Israeli frail elderly: A comparative analysis. International Journal of Public Administration, 24(11), 1223-1265.
Schmid,H. (2002).The relationship between organizational properties and service effectiveness in three types of nonprofit human services. Public Personnel Management, 31(3), 377-395.
Schmid,H. (2003). Rethinking the policy of contracting out social services to nongovernmental organizations: Lessons and dilemmas. Public Management Review, 5(3), 307-323.
Schmid,H., Bargal, D.& Hochstadt, M. (2003). Organizational, structural and administrative dimensions of voluntary nonprofit organizations delivering services to the elderly. Meser La'inyan, 13, 10-13.
Schmid,H. & Nirel, R. (2004). Ownership and age in nonprofit and for-profit home care organizations: What makes the difference? Administration in Social Work, 28(3/4), 183-200.
Schmid,H. (2004) Organization-environment relationships: Theory for management practice in human service organizations. Administration in Social Work, 28(1), 97-113.
Schmid,H. (2004). The role of nonprofit human service organizations in providing social services: A prefatory essay.Administration in Social Work, 28(3/4), 1-21.
Schmid, H. (2004). The Israeli long-term care insurance law: selected issues in providing home care services to the frail elderly. Health and Social Care in the Community, 13 (3), 191-200.
Schmid, H., & Salman, H. (2005). Citizens perception of the neighborhood council in East Jerusalem, Journal of Community Practice, 13 (2), 61-75.
Korazim Y., Leibovitz, S., & Schmid, H. (2005). The Privatization of foster care services: Lesson learned after four years of implementation. Social Security, 70 (December), 56-57.
Bar, M., & Schmid, H. (2005). A prefatory essay, Social Security, 70 (December), 5-12.
Shemer O., & Schmid, H. (2006). Toward a redefinition of community partnership: A Three-dimensional approach.Hevra Verevaha. 26(3), 327-354.
Schmid, H., (2006) Leadership styles and leadership change in human and community service organizations. In R.A.Cnaan & C. Milofsky (Eds.), Values, Passion and Trust in Nonprofit Organizations, 395-409.
Schmid, H., (2006) Leadership styles and leadership change in human and community service organizations.Nonprofit menagement & Leadership. Vol. 27(2), 179-194.
Shemer, O. & Schmid, H. (2007). Toward a new definiton of partnership: A three dimensional approach. Journal of Rural cooperation, 35 (2), 123-139.
Schmid, H. (2007). Childern and youth at risk in Israel: Findings and reconnemdations to improve their well being.Children and Youth Services Review, 29(8), 1114-1128.
Schmid, H. & Hasenfeld, Y. (2008). Contracting out social services. Encyclopedia of Social Work.
Schmid, H., Bar, M., & Nirel, R. (2008). Advocacy roles of nonprofit human service organizations: Implications for policy. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 37(4), 581-602.
Schmid, H. & Blit-Cohen, E. (2009). University and social involement at the neighbourhood level: implications for social work education. Journal of Teaching in Social Work. 29, 1-20.
Schmid, H. (2009). Agency-environment relations: Understanding external and natural environments. In R. Patti (Ed.) The Handbook of Human Services Management, 411-433.
Schmid, H. (2009). Changes in the political economic and social environment and their impact on the organizational identity of the community center. In: Lavi, Z. (ed), To belong. Jerusalem: The Israeli Association of Community Centers, 32-68.
Schmid, H. (2009). The contingencies of nonprofit leadership. In J.Kane, H.Patapon and P.T. Hart (Eds.), Dispersed Leadership in Democracies. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 193-210.
Schmid, H. (2010). Organizational change in human service organizations: Theories, boundaries, strategies and implementation. In Y. Hasenfeld (Ed.) Human services as complex organizations. (2nd. Edition), 455-479.
Schmid, H. (2010). Leadership styles and leadership change in human and community organizations. In Y. Hasenfeld (Ed.). Human services organizations as complex organizations. (2nd edition), 193-206.
Schmid, H., Dolev, T. & Szabo-Lael, R. (2010). Community based programs for children at risk: the case of budget flexibility in departments of social services in Israel. Children and Youth Services Review, 32, 178-184.
Schmid, H. (2010). The implications of the privatization on the social and civic missions of nonprofit organization that provide social services. Parliament, 64.
Blit-Cohen, E. & Schmid, H. (2010). University and social involvement in a Jerusalem neighborhood: Learning for the experience. Society and Welfare, 30(1): 131-151.
Schmid, H. & Rudich-Cohen, A. (2010). Philanthropy in Israel. Social Security, 83, 5-18.
Schmid, H. & Rudich- Cohen, A. (2010). Elite Philanthropy in Israel: characteristics, motives and Patterns of contribution. Social Security, 83, 225-262.
Schmid, H. and Benbenishty, R. (2011).Public attitudes towards child maltreatment in Israel. Children and Youth Services Review, 33, 1181-1188.
Benbenishty, R. & Schmid, H. (2013). Public attitudes toward the identification and reporting of alleged maltreatment cases among social groups in Israel. Children and Youth Services Review, 35, 332-339.
Schmid, H. & Rudich-Cohen, A. (2012). Elite philanthropy in Israel: Characteristics, motives and patterns of contribution. Society, 49 (2), 175-181.
Schmid, H. (2012). Nonprofit organizations: Between identity blurring and adaption to changing environments. Administration in Social Work.Online:30 May 2012,DOI:10.1080/03643107.2012.676611.
Almog-Bar, M. & Schmid, H. (2014). Advocacy activities in nonprofit human service organizations: A critical review. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 43, 11-35.
Schmid, H. & Sharon, N. (2012). Social entrepreneurship in nonprofit organizations and its impact on their vision and values, organizational culture, and administrative processes. Social Security, 88, 31-63.
Schmid, H. & Almog-Bar, M. (2013). Intersectoral Collaborations: Thesis and research findings. Jerusalem: The Center for the Study of Philanthropy in Israel, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Feldman, G., Strier, R. & Schmid, H. (2015). The performance of advocacy organizations: The redistribution of symbolic capital. British Journal of Social Work, 1-17.
Schmid, H. & Almog-Bar, M. (2016). Correlates of cross-sector partnerships in the human services: Implications for policy and practice. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership, Governance. (Forthcoming).
Schmid, H., & Shaul Bar-Nissim, H. (2016). The Changing relation between the government and philanthropy in Israel: Implications for policy. Society. (Forthcoming).
Schmid, H., & Shaul Bar-Nissim, H. (2016). Can two walk together except they be agreed? The relationship between the government and philanthropy in Israel- Current situation and thought for the future. Social Society. (Forthcoming).
Schmid, H., & Shaul Bar-Nissim, H. (2016). The globalization of philanthropy: Trends and Channels of giving. In: Harrow,J.,Jung, T., & S. Phillips (Eds.),The Routledge Copanion to Philanthropy.
Hillel Schmid's site at the Research and Development Authority
דין וחשבון הוועדה הציבורית לבדיקת מצבם של ילדים ובני נוער בסיכון ומצוקה. מוגש לראש ממשלת ישראל ולשר הרווחה, שבט תשס"ו, מרס 2006