Rana Eseed
E-mail: rana.eseed@mail.huji.ac.il
Higher Education
2018-2019 Postdoctoral Studies (Department of Welfare and Social Policy, University of Bath, England).
2012-2018 Ph.D., (Social work and social welfare, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel(
2008-2011 M.A., (Social work and social welfare, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel(
2004-2007 B.A., (Social work and social welfare, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel(
Awards and Excellence Scholarships (Within the Past Five Years)
2019-2012 MA`OF Fellowship, est. by the Kahanoff Foundation for outstanding Arab researchers.
2018 Council of Higher Education Fellowship Program for Outstanding Postdoctoral Researchers from the Arab Society.
2018 British Friends of the Hebrew University, fellowship for postdoctoral researchers.
2017-2018 Center for the Study of Multiculturalism and Diversity, scholarship for PhD candidates, Hebrew University.
2014- 2017 Hoffman PhD Leadership and Responsibility Fellowship Program, scholarship for Ph.D. candidates, Hebrew University.
Appointments at the Hebrew University
2019 Lecturer, Social work and social welfare, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Additional Functions
2012 Present Executive member, ESPAnet Israel, the Forum for Social Policy Research in Israel.
Research Grants
2019 The Ralph Goldman Center for Judaism, Social Welfare and Ethics, The role of religion among Palestinian social workers in Israel, 30,000 NIS.
List of Publication
Books & Edited Books
Eseed, R. (PI) & Jawad, R. (PI) (In press). Social Policy and the Islamic World in Comparative Perspective: Taking Stock, Moving Forward
Journal Articles
Eseed, R. (2017). When the state fails to provide services: The case of the Islamic Movement in Israel. Journal of Social Policy, 47, 565-582. doi:10.1017/S0047279417000757.
Eseed, R.,(PI) & Khoury-Kassabri, M(PI). (2017). Alcohol use among Arab Muslim adolescents: A mediation-moderation model of family, peer and community factors. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 88, 88-98. doi: 10.1037/ort0000263.
Eseed, R. (2016). Parent’s choices of child daycare in the Palestinian society in Israel. Bitachon Soziali, 99, 35-61. (Hebrew).
Massarwi, A. A. (PI), Eseed, R.,(CI) & Khoury-Kassabri, M.(CI( (
Eseed, R. (PI) (2019). Social service provision by minority religious organizations: A case study of the Islamic Movement in Kafr Qassim. Journal of Social Policy, 49, 507-524. doi:10.1017/S004727941900062X
Eseed, R. (2019). The Islamic movement in Israel: Development and key features. Journal of Welfare and Society,4 ,609-633. (Hebrew(.
Khoury-Kassabri, M., Zadok, I., Eseed, R. & Vazsonyi, A. (2020). Individual and familial factors as mediators and moderators of young children’s aggressive behavior. Children and Youth Service Review. doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.