The direct doctorate track



The Paul Brawald School of Social Work and Social Welfare considers the direct route to a doctorate degree a track of academic excellence. Doctoral degree, in order to complete the studies within five years (including master's studies and doctoral studies).


Admission Conditions:

As stated, it is possible to be admitted to this track upon completion of the graduatedegree, or after the first semester of the master's studies.

  1. Graduates who have not yet begun their master's studies:

Students who:

- Have a final grade for a graduate of 94 or higher in social work or another tangential degree.

- Obtain the consent of a faculty member from the rank of senior lecturer or higher from the school to instruct you in the doctoral dissertation.


     2. Students in the graduate program:

Students who:

- Have a final grade for a graduate of 94 or higher in social work or another tangential degree.

- Complete the first semester of the first year of graduate studies with a grade of 94 or higher (at least 8 credits).

- Obtain the consent of a faculty member from the rank of senior lecturer or higher to instruct you in their doctoral dissertation.


Submission Request:

Candidates who meet the criteria must submit an application with the following documents:

  • Statement of intent (up to two pages)
  • 2 Academic recommendations (including a recommendation from a lecturer from a research seminar)
  • Statement by the supervisor that he / she undertakes to guide the doctoral candidate
  • Details of the candidate's research experience, if any (for example, in a research seminar, research assistance, etc.). (Up to a page)
  • Score sheets
  • Writing example (such as work in a course; only work written alone should be attached).

Please refer the application to the head of the teaching department and students and the doctoral coordinator of the school, Ms. Shuli Levy,

The doctoral committee will discuss the applications for admission and return answers to the candidates, before the beginning of the school year (for those who receive from the graduate), or before the beginning of the second semester (for those who receive from the graduate).


Submission dates:

For graduates: until 1.10

For graduates of the first semester of the master's degree: until 1.3

The structure and scope of the graduate studies:

The curriculum of each student in the track will be determined and adjusted individually, with the approval of the head of the relevant graduate program and the chair of the doctoral program at the school.

Studies will include:

  1. Research seminar - to be written individually (not in a group), during the first year of the master's studies.

You can take the research seminar:

  • As an annual course at the school in parallel with the research courses in the first year (additional school day);
  • Outside the school, in another department and / or in another university, with the approval of the head of the relevant master's program;
  • Write it under the guidance of the facilitator during the second semester of the first year. The product will be a seminar paper, which must also include an element of empirical research. The work must be submitted by 30.9, and must obtain the approval of the relevant master program head.

      2. Thesis seminar in the second year, in which the student will write an offer that he can later use as part of the doctoral proposal.

Students in the direct track must complete all their obligations to the graduate within two years.

The total number of credit points required of students in the direct track will be 32 credits.


Beyond Phase A of the doctorate and submission of the doctoral proposal:

  1. The transition to Phase A of the doctorate will be made after the completion of all the obligations for the master's degree (without a final thesis and within two years, as stated), with an average grade of at least 92.
  2. It is possible and recommended to start working on the doctoral proposal already during the master's studies.
  3. The research proposal for the doctorate will be submitted to the research students up to one year after the completion of the master's degree (ie: no later than 12 months from the beginning of the first phase of the doctorate).

Retirement or non-compliance with conditions:

A student who does not meet the requirements of sections 1'-3 'above, will leave the direct track and complete his studies as a certified student. In such a case, the student will contact the head of the relevant graduate program to clarify the requirements for: (1) completion of a thesis, in order to complete the research track, or (2) completion of a credit in order to complete a non-research track.


Up to two students a year will be admitted to this track.

These students will receive an outstanding scholarship from the school.


Scholarship details:

During graduate studies, students in the direct doctoral track will be exempted from tuition.

After their transition to a doctorate, these students will receive an annual scholarship of NIS 40,000 per year, for 3 years. The renewal of the scholarship from year to year will be conditional on the student's progress.

Students will also have the opportunity to apply for additional scholarships:

  • Presidential Scholarship. If they win this scholarship, it will replace the school scholarship.
  • Other awards and scholarships awarded on behalf of the school (for example, a graduate outstanding scholarship that grants a tuition exemption) - No double exemptions / scholarships will be awarded on behalf of the school.
  • External scholarships (which do not require completion from the school): If they receive such scholarships, the school scholarship will be awarded in addition to them (up to the maximum amount of scholarship that the university allows for doctoral students).