Young Children’s Perspectives on Risk and Protection

 This research group aims to develop and promote the discourse on young children's perspectives among local and international researchers. The main questions this group aims to understand include: 1. What can we learn from young children? Based on studies conducted with children, what issues are children dealing with? What can we learn from them about children's worlds and about ourselves? 2. What are the methods to analyze various data collected such as photos, drawings and verbal explanations? Should we regard photography and drawing as independent research methodologies or triggers for verbal text? 3. What is the impact of context on children's perspectives? Various contexts such as culture, ethnicity, religion, politics, economy, migration are affecting children's worlds. What are possible ways to assess the effects of contexts on children perspectives? 4. What are the ethical dilemmas and challenges involved in researching children perspectives? Is it possible to develop a guideline that is acceptable across our diverse research locations? 5. Impact and practical implications for the pre-school educational systems. What could be the contributions of the growing body of knowledge on the practice of pre-school teachers and other members of the educational systems dealing with preschoolers?. The current studies taking place include:  “Risk and Protection in the Views of Immigrant Children”; “Analysing Visual Data” and “Combined Analysis of Multiple Data”.

Research Team: Dr. Yael Dayan, Prof. Dorit Roer-Strier, Dr. Yael Ponizovsky-Bergelson, Dr. Nira Wahle

For more information:


Ponizovsky-Bergelson, Y., Dayan, Y., Wahle, N., & Roer-Strier D. (2019). A qualitative interview with young children: What encourages or inhibits young children's participation? International Journal of Qualitative Methods 18, 1-9


Ponizovsky-Bergelson, Y., Ashter, S., Dayan, Y., Roer-Strier D. & Wahle, N. (2019). Agency in children's perspectives. Megamot 54(2), 71-94 [Hebrew] 

Ponizovsky-Bergelson, Y., Roer-Strier D., Dayan, Y., & Wahle, N. (2019). Children at Risk: Children’s Perspectives of Risk and Protection. In: T. Tulviste, D. L. Best & J. L. Gibbons (Eds.). Children’s social worlds in cultural context (pp. 201-216). Springer. 

Ponizovsky-Bergelson, Y., Dayan, Y., & Wahle, N. (in print). Risk and protection: Children's perspectives. In: J.E. Korbin, R.D. Krugman, D. Roer-Strier & Y. Nadan (Eds.). Context-Informed Perspectives of Child Risk and Protection in Israel. Springer's Child Maltreatment Series. 

Wahle, N., Ponizovsky-Bergelson, Y., Dayan, Y., Erlichman, O., & Roer-Strier D. (2017). On the margins of race, immigration and war: Perspectives on risk and protection of young children from the Ethiopian community in Israel. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 25(2), 305-320. doi: 10.1080/1350293X.2017.1288387

Ponizovsky-Bergelson, Y., Kurman, J. and Roer-Strier D. (2017). The role of resilience in the adjustment of immigrant youth who experienced filial responsibility. Society and Welfare, 37(1), 59-85. [Hebrew]

Ponizovsky-Bergelson, Y., & Kosner, A. (2015). Psychological adjustment of immigrant youth from FSU in Israel: The aspects of language and cultural brokering. Israeli Ministry of Education, Hed Haulpan, 104, 89-104. [Hebrew] 

Ponizovsky-Bergelson, Y., Kurman, J., & Roer-Strier, D. (2015). Adjustment enhancer or moderator? The Role of resilience in postmigration filial responsibility. Journal of Family Psychology29(3), 438-446. doi: 10.1037/fam0000080

Ponizovsky-Bergelson, Y., Kurman, J., & Roer-Strier, D. (2015). Immigrant’s emotional reactions to filial responsibilities and related psychological outcomes. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 45, 104-115. doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2015.02.002

Ponizovsky, Y. Dimitrova, R., Schachner, M.K., & van de Schoot, R. (2013). The Satisfaction With Life Scale: Measurement invariance across immigrant groups. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 10, 526-532. doi: 10.1080/17405629.2012.707778

Ponizovsky, Y., Kurman, J., & Roer Strier, D. (2012). When role reversal and brokering meet: Filial responsibility among young immigrants to Israel from the former Soviet Union. Journal of Family Psychology, 26, 987-997. doi: 10.1037/a0029913


Dayan, Y., Manzura, S., Porat, A., Ponizovsky-Bergelson, Y., Ben-Nun, N. & Harel-Kanot, Z. (2017). Young children's perspectives: A course planning guide.